Furniture mishaps


First of all, in my usual fashion, I would like to apologize for not posting anything in quite a while. To be honest, our lives really aren’t that exciting here. That and I just forget to take pictures…which in turn causes me to not remember what I’ve been doing. Blame it on the pregnancy brain. It’s a real thing, folks.

But anyway, I’ll do the best I can to fill you in on the happenings here.

The planning for the ball is going well. I think. The colonel’s wife does most of the planning and then just fills the rest of us in when we have our meetings. S has been voluntold to make the flyers for the ball which is pretty cool, but if you know him, you know it’s a challenge. He’s not exactly artistically inclined and the only program he has to work with is PowerPoint. He’s got some good ideas though. Hopefully it turns out as good on paper as it looks in his head.

We’re ALMOST ready to make this apartment exactly the way we want it. We ordered a bed frame and mattress on Amazon at the beginning of December. The plan was that as soon as we had both pieces, we would schedule a time for our loaner furniture to be picked up. We don’t have any of our own furniture yet and we figured it would be pointless to buy any furniture before the loaner stuff is out because there’s no room to put any other furniture right now. So that was the plan. But here’s what really happened:

A larger package came in early last week. S and I both assumed it was the bed frame even though we both commented on the fact that the shape of the box was a bit odd. Oh well. The mattress still had not been delivered so we (without opening the box) set it aside. The mattress came on Monday of this week. S had Tuesday off so we spent the day running errands. We weren’t able to get a box spring shipped internationally and bed sizes are different here so we couldn’t buy one on the economy. And honestly, a box spring probably wouldn’t fit up the stairway to our front door.

So instead we decided to make our own bed slats because again, we couldn’t find any that would ship internationally and the ones we found on the economy were the wrong size. So we went to what is basically Home Depot here and had some boards cut to size to fit the bed frame to make our own slats. So we come home, move the loaner mattress and bed frame out of the bedroom, sweep and mop our room and grab the box with the bed frame. I open it up and…it’s not the bed frame. It’s the pack n play from our baby registry. WOMP WOMP. So I just start laughing on the floor because really, what else is there to do? So we bring the full size loaner bed frame back into the room, unroll our new queen size mattress on it, which now slips and slides all over the frame because (obviously) they’re different sizes.

Oh by the way, we ran another errand on Tuesday. We stopped by the housing office and scheduled the pick up for our loaner furniture. They’re coming on Monday. Today is Friday. So, unless our bed frame arrives tomorrow or Monday, we’ll be putting our mattress on the floor for a while. Good thing I’m not pregnant and have to get up 3 times a night to use the bathroom. OH WAIT. Again, I just have to laugh. I also stopped by our CMR, basically a mini post office that only does receiving where we pick up our mail and explained what was going on. I think they’re getting tired of seeing me. They’re pretty close to knowing my by name, or at least having my box number memorized because we get a package almost every day…just not the bed frame. They told me that it could take up to 6 weeks for our bed frame to be delivered. That’s approximately Jan 16. Oh. Still laughing………

On a similar note, we’ve saved up enough money to buy all our furniture! So we’re going to Ikea tomorrow to get what we need. It will probably stay in my car until all the loaner furniture is out on Monday and then we’ll spend next week assembling furniture! That sounds so mundane, but I’m really excited about it.

The other exciting thing about tomorrow is that it just so happens that a friend of mine from high school is flying into Nurnberg with her mom in route to England and we’re meeting them for dinner! It’ll be so nice to see someone familiar here. I can’t wait! I won’t say who it is here, although given that small piece of information about England I’m sure a couple of you could guess. I’m sure I’ll be posting pictures of us on Facebook over the weekend so you can check it out there.

I’ve also had a request for a pregnancy progress picture. I won’t be posting those on here because my face is in the picture and the sign I’m using as a prop has our last name on it. I’ll put that on Facebook too since there seems to be quite a few requesting that.

Well, tonight is the brigade Christmas party and we just found out we’re supposed to bring a dessert to share and I have to leave the house in 3 hours and I’m still in my pajamas with dirty hair. So I’d better get moving. Thanks for stopping by. Love and miss you all so much!!

❤ E

3 thoughts on “Furniture mishaps

  1. ✈️ How exciting that your friend and her mom are coming!! What a treat!
    📬 Make friends with those post office workers! Bake cookies for them; keep them happy!
    📦 They will be handling lots of boxes for your Christmas/baby presents! Yeah! You got a pack-n-play!
    🎄I hope you had fun at the Christmas party tonight.
    😁 Voluntold! That’s a new one! Love it .
    💻 S is going to have a challenge making a flyer with PowerPoint! Oh my! Maybe he could submit a requisition for better software.
    ⛽️gasoline here has dropped to $2.15 – $2.39 a gallon! What do you pay there? I hope the cost of jet fuel will drop, and the airline fares will go down soon! I’m watching weekly!
    👣little baby is already disturbing mommy’s sleep! Ha!! Just wait… Hopefully you won’t have to put the mattress on the floor, but better now than in a few months! S would have to hoist you out of bed.
    🚓 it hard to imagine that all the furniture you will need could fit in your car! Have fun assembling it all! That is more fun than just having it delivered, I think!
    ❤️ Well you may think your day- to -day is mundane, but for those of us who miss you, we look forward to your blog, and pictures!!
    😂 oh, and laughter is the best stress reliever! Laugh, Live, Love!!


    • The post office workers are really nice. I think they enjoy it when they strt to recognize people and can start to have a rapport with them! Gas is by the liter here and is supposed to reflect US prices so we pay .78¢ a liter right now


  2. I want to check out that baby registry! Can you send me the link on radius?
    Good to know you are seeing a friend! It will be reinvigorate.


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