How is it already April?



Well, I think it’s safe to say some of my New Years Resolutions are going better than others. I actually had a blog post typed up only 2 weeks after my last one and then got busy and never finished it. So that kinda half-way counts, right?

Besides not blogging more often than I did last year, I have been doing better at my other resolutions!

In case you forgot (because I definitely did) here’s a recap of my resolutions:

  1. Travel more
  2. Drink more water
  3. Pray for patience
  4. Make our home a relaxing place
  5. Blog more!!


We’ve already traveled more this year than we did last year! S has done a lot of traveling for his job, so I’m not sure it counts if it’s mandatory, but he’s still seen some pretty cool things and I’m a little jealous. In February I went to Rome with mom, as I’m sure everyone saw on Facebook already. That was pretty awesome. It still feels a little surreal! In March, dad, LW and BH visited and we toured a couple small towns in France. Then just last weekend, S and I stayed in Luxembourg City and took a day trip to Bastogne, Belgium. We’ve brainstormed about our trips for the next few months and are looking into Prague, Portugal, Spain and Ireland! Exciting times ahead!

Not only have I been drinking more water, I’ve started working out regularly too. So we can definitely check that block!

Praying for patience took me on a bit of a journey, which was expected. Peanut would have been considered a good sleeper as a newborn as she consistently only woke up 2x a night to eat. However, at 7 months old she was still waking 2x every night and I was getting a bit worn out. I’m a firm believer in the fact that a mom (or dad) has to take care of themselves in order to take care of their kids to the best of their abilities and not sleeping through the night for over a year was not working for me anymore and my patience was growing thinner and thinner. S and I made the decision to break M’s pacifier addiction cold turkey hoping she would sleep better if she didn’t have any sleep “props.” We successfully weaned her but didn’t have any better results with sleep. From there we decided to sleep train her and finally got her down to only waking to eat 1x a night, which is really all I needed to feel better. It took a while, and the nights that she regressed back to 2 or more wakings per night had me praying a little harder. BUT the best part, which probably has nothing to do with praying for patience, but it’s exciting nevertheless, is that about a week ago Peanut started sleeping through the night! She came down with a cold a couple nights ago so she hasn’t been sleeping that well since then, but I’m excited to see if this is going to be a permanent change  (trying not to get my hopes up). Long story, short: Praying for patience was a good experience and it was definitely the right season of my life to do it. I learned a lot and won’t be scared to do it again…I think.

While S was away in February, mom and I spent a lot of time working on the house. We turned a room we had been using for storage into an office and finally got Peanut’s room cleaned up and organized. I’ve been getting better about staying on top of everyday chores like vacuuming (seriously, every day. Thanks, Z.) and dishes. There’s still a couple of projects on my to-do list that will certainly help the house be more relaxing and feel more put together but we’ve made progress and that’s what counts!

As for blogging, I don’t need to explain, as it’s pretty obvious I haven’t been blogging more often. I’ll try to improve that. I should have plenty to blog about since we’re traveling more so I can’t use that as an excuse. Baby steps!


Until next time!

xoxo, E

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